This page shows a replication of the Carlson Super Probe.
Designed by Paul Carlson.
by Mr Carlson's Lab
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Carlson Super Probe
The Super Probe is basically a very sensitive AF+RF probe.
Her purpose is to detect e.g. noisy components in Audio gear. But there are much more uses for it. To get a glimpse of the testing possibilities watch the linked videos from Mr Carlson's Lab bellow.
If someone is seriously interested in electronics I highly recommend to visit his YouTube Channel. Lots of very interesting projects and tips there.

This project is his brainchild. The electronic design is completely made by Paul Carlson.
All rights belong to him.

I only have made the board layouts as shown on this page.
The layout as well as the component selection is mostly the result of the restrictions given by the probe shell. A cigar tube was the only reasonably fitting shell I could found. Therefore the task was to fit the circuit into it.
Paul Carlson's introduction video to the Super Probe
The first thing to do was to redraw the circuits as they were shown in the video.
The next step was to create the "Cigar" layout for the probe and a little board for the amplifier as well. One of the goals was to create the layout without any SMD parts.
To make it fit...
The fitting is pretty tight.
The same is true for the amplifier housing with the build in speaker and battery pack.
After a bit optical fine tuning it looks good and it works even better.
All in all, I spend about 40 Euro.
An example how the Carlson Super Probe can be used (starts at 25:38 min).
All parts put together.
All parts put together.
And finally a piece of shrink tube for isolation and better grip.
And finally a piece of shrink tube for isolation and better grip.
Last Update: 12.08.2019 
A short test video to show how it works.
A few demonstration videos
The modifications on the cigar tube...
... and the amplifier housing.
All in all, I spend about 40 Euro.